Titus County
Project: Diamond C. Gigafactory CR 2200 Expansion
Location: County Road 2200
Project Specifics: The current asphalt road will be improved to a 22’ wide concrete road.
Benefits of project: Improvements will benefit a rural manufacturer and approximately 21 residences who traverse CR 2200 as their only access point.
Economic Development Impact: Diamond C’s warehouse construction will create a minimum of 100 new manufacturing jobs.
Monies Allocated: $297,000

Harrison County
Project: Lansing Switch Reconstruction Project
Location: Lansing Switch Road, also known as CR 3424
Project Specifics: Reconstruct CR 3424 beginning at the intersection of FM 968 and continuing north for 3.853 miles to the intersection with Hwy 80.
Benefits of project: Reconstruction will promote traffic flow in the rural area between two of the most popular areas of Harrison County. The project will also impact the values of residential structures located along the road.
Economic Development Impact: A better roadway attracts more subdivisions to the area potentially attracting more businesses.
Monies Allocated: $300,000

Project: CR 3542 roadway and intersection expansion
Location: From the intersection of East Loop 281, east 1.6 miles to CR 3531
Project Specifics: Widen the existing roadway from 19ft to a 22ft surface and improve the intersection at Loop 281.
Benefits of Project: The project will provide a wider roadway in the area to better serve the increased traffic demands with the opening of the new Hallsville West Elementary School campus. The reconstruction will also improve the safety of the roadway for students and parents traveling to the school. The wider intersection will also minimize the interruptions to businesses located at the intersection of Loop 281 and Page Road.
Economic Development Impact: Not only will the addition of the new elementary school attract new businesses to the area, this project will also allow existing businesses to better maintain their accessibility with the influx of traffic.
Monies allocated: $ 105,392
Project: Installation of a warranted traffic signal
Location: George Richey Road (FM 2275) and McCann Road
Project Specifics: Installation of a traffic signal at George Richey and McCann Road will positively impact intersection that has more than 11,700 vehicles per day.
Benefit of Project: Reduce crashes and increase capacity for the area along a significant arterial and busy intersection.
Economic Development Impact: Project completion will serve as a catalyst for economic development
Monies allocated: $200,000
Project: Construction of .25 mile of taxiway, development of pad sites, and Tee hangers.
Location: Cherokee County Airport
Project Specifics: This project includes the construction of approximately .25 miles of taxiway necessary to access approximately 20-acres of undeveloped county-owned land located directly adjacent to Cherokee County Airport. The new taxiways will provide pad sites for approximately eight (8) new box hangars capable of housing corporate aircraft and twenty (20) new Tee hangars.
Benefit of Project: Cherokee County Airport is the “welcome mat” for many regional corporations, their clients, and prospective businesses.
Economic Development Impact: This project will directly expand the local tax base, other sources of revenue, and it will serve as a tool to attract new businesses and corporate travel.
Monies allocated: $125,000
Project: Hawkins Parkway & Good Shepherd Safety Enhancements
Location: Hawkins Parkway & Good Shepherd Way
Project Specifics: Installation of a traffic signal and widening of Hawkins Parkway to accomplish left turn-lanes
Funding: City of Longview, and NET RMA
Benefit of Project: Reduce crashes, improve east to west connectivity and reduce congestion
Economic Development Impact: Project completion will serve as a catalyst for economic development
Monies allocated: $270,000
Project: Rural Rail District Henderson-Overton HOB Shortline Upgrade
Location: Off of US 259 between SH 31 and US 79
Project Specifics: HOB would be upgraded to maintain Class I rating, including railroad-tie and ballast improvements
Funding: Rusk County Rural Rail District, Blacklands, and NET RMA
Benefit of Project: Improve safety and reduce truck traffic
Economic Development Impact: Project completion will serve as a catalyst to bring new business to the region
Monies allocated: $240,000
Project: Wood County Airport Collins Field
Location: North of the intersection of US 69 and SH 37 in Wood County
Project Specifics: The project will include doubling the airport’s aircraft parking apron area, make drainage improvements to the property and update the long term airport layout.
Funding: Wood County Airport, Wood County, TxDOT, and NET RMA
Benefit of Projects: The project will increase the volume of aircraft that can be locate at the airport and will enlarge the aircraft fueling areas
Economic Development Impact: The completion of the upgrades will allow more aircraft to conduct business locally which will support more economic development in the East Texas Region.
Monies allocated: $125,000
Project: Widening & Straightening FM 1735
Location: FM 1735/Chapel Hill Road/Northeast College Road
Project Specifics: Purchasing of right-of-way and utility relocation
Funding: Titus County, and NET RMA
Benefit of Project: The project will strengthen the development of the new loop including residential development by producing a safer and faster route to the schools, college, and other parts in the South East quadrant of the county
Economic Development Act: Project completion will serve as a catalyst for residential development.
Monies allocated: $320,000
Project: US Hwy 271 Feasibility Study
Location: US Hwy 271
Project Specifics: The second phase of the study will develop and analyze both interim and long term potential transportation solutions to relieve congestion and to improve mobility and safety
Funding: Upshur County, TxDOT’s rural transportation funding, and NET RMA
Benefit of Project: Project will reduce congestion an improve mobility for motorists on US Hwy 271
Economic Development Impact: Interim and long term solutions resulting from the study will help in improving safety and reducing congestion which will in turn help businesses along the highway and could spur new economic development activity.
Monies allocated: $280,000 + $40,000 (previously awarded)
Project: West Spur Feasibility Study
Location: connects existing I-369/US 59 to I-30, US Hwy 82 and US Hwy 67
Benefit of project: provide freight traffic relief for Texarkana urban center, enhanced multi-modal connectivity for RRAD, TAC and the overall I-69 system by providing increased connectivity.
Monies allocated: $350,000
Project: US 59/I 369 Marshall Relief Route
Location: 4 miles from the intersection of US 80 going south to intersection of I-20.
Funding: Harrison County Road and Bridge Fund
Benefit of Project: Will be the initial keystone block in the I-69 system in the Northeast Texas segment stretching from Bowie County to Nacogdoches County. It would ultimately become eligible to become part of the Interstate Highway system due to linkages with I-20. This segment would greatly relieve traffic congestion and provide safer travel through this part of the state.
Monies allocated: $150,000
Project: The development of water, sewer and natural gas infrastructure in support of the Northeast Texas Poultry Complex (Sanderson Farms)
Location: Mineola, TX
Funding: Local funds
Benefit of project: $200M capital investment in poultry complex, 1,700 new jobs, increased utility revenues and franchise fees, etc.
Monies allocated: $172,183
Project: Improvements to US 259 and Hawkins Parkway intersection
Location: Northeast Longview, Gregg County, Texas
Funding: Partnership between City of Longivew, Gregg County and TxDOT.
Benefit of project: US 259 is a principal artery of regional significance. It functions as a critical freight corridor linking the Gulf Coast to Oklahoma.
Economic Development Impact: The project promotes an extensive list of retail, medical and residential planned developments near the project.
Monies allocated: $400,000